
YWCA Meredith Place

  • Email
  • Phone (204) 571-3680
  • Fax (204)571-3687


  • Name Karen Peto
  • Position Executive Director
  • Phone (204)571-3680
  • Email

Main Contact

  • Name Pat Babiak
  • Position Meredith Place Manager
  • Phone (204)571-3680
  • Email

Programs & Services

Room and food is provided. No other programs are offered however referalls to appropriate agencies will be made. staff members are avaialble for non-formal talks. We are affiliated with YWCA Westman Women’s Shelter. THe prganization also offers Couples COunselling if you meet the criteria.

YWCA Meredith Place


We are a 21 bed mulipurpose facility located in downtown Brandon. It is a co-ed faility housing people with various needs. Although we do not have any programming, we make referrals to the agencies within the community. Our aim is to help as all our residents as much as possible in a home-like atmosphere.

  • Beds 21
  • Population Male & Female
  • Age Adult
  • Sources CSC,Mental Health Employment & Income Assistance
  • Exclusions Offenders whose needs may be greater then the services provided. Clients who do not meet acceptable levels in Acceptance Criteria.
  • Criteria Men & womenn accepted on an in-house file review and the avialability of bed space. Each case is considered individually. Factors taken in to consideration include history of violence, mental health issues, substance abuse issues, sexual offences, nature and frequency of offences, institutuinal programming, the willingness to address their issues and participating in correctional plan. Acceptance is determined on a case-by-cases basis.

Application Process

Apply through istitutional parole officer who forwards the request to the Brandon Parole Office. The request is presented to YWCA Meredith Place management. A decision is made and forwarded to the Brandon Parole Office within a week.

Community Involvement

Closely connected to other organizations in the city.

Local Parole Office

Brandon Parole Office
  • Phone (204)726-7597