
Elpida House West

  • Phone (780) 484-0274
  • Fax (780) 484-0743


  • Name Joanne Harris
  • Position Program Manager
  • Phone 780-378-2436
  • Email

Main Contact

  • Position Team Leader
  • Phone 70-484-0274

Programs & Services

The emphasis of Elpida West is to maintain community safety. Staff members are responsible for the day-to-day supervision of residents through the use of house rules/regulations. These include documentation of resident’s activities (including periodic checks of these activities), curfews, and close liaison with supervising authorities.

Elpida West is designed as an independent living model. There are 5 self-contained apartments housing 2-4 residents per unit.

Elpida West is accessible to persons with physical disabilities.

Elpida House West


"Elpida" is the Greek word for Hope. The goal of Elpida House West is to assist men who are on Federal Parole, with or without identified substance abuse problems, to establish a positive support system, learn independent living, and make a successful transition back into the community as productive members of society.

  • Beds 15
  • Population Male
  • Age 18+

Application Process

By referral from Institutional and Community Parole Officers. Elpida West is a Community Residential Facility that houses Federal offenders on conditional release in the community. This may include Day Parole, Full Parole, and Statutory Release Voluntary or Statutory Release with Residency.

When determining if an offender is suitable for residency in our facility, primary factors are community and staff safety. Other factors may include programming the individual has successfully completed, as well as the level of motivation towards change and leading a law-abiding pro-social lifestyle.

Local Parole Office

Edmonton and Area Parole Office
  • Phone 780-495-4900